

Self Horror
The reoccurring theme
of feeling like I'm a monster.

Like everytime I walk,
people scream and runaway in terror
because my stomps are too loud
and my face is too hideous
to the point where I'm terrifying.

I scar everybody I talk to
with the image of my unbareable self,
making them fear ever being in my vicinity

I have to move the clouds,
and the mountains
to cover my face
in order for somebody to talk to me

I have to quiet my steps
wherever I walk
so people don't know that im coming,
and ultimately run from me.

I have to pray every night
to a god that is not promised
for somebody to look at me
like I'm not a monster.

I have to rely on the emotionless stars
to hear my dying wish
of being wanted.

All I am to this world, is a monster.
And I'm afraid that's all I ever will be.

© aliconic