

DEAR Traveller
Love transcends the bounds of a mere game,
Hearts and minds should never be made tame.
Manipulation, a cruel and selfish ploy,
Bid farewell and wish them joy.

A face will weather, a body may change,
But a beautiful soul remains in range.
Reflect not on how far you have to roam,
But how far you've come, building a cozy home.

Yes, struggles abound and distances await,
But progress is not against the clock's dictate.
Healing is a process that time should embrace,
Allow yourself to find solace in the chase.

Dwelling on self-doubt brings no good,
It won't move you closer to where you should.
Instead, celebrate your steps, big and small,
For they show a resilience that encompasses all.

I know the pain of feeling trapped, my friend,
The weariness, the desire for an end.
But release the notion of keeping pace,
You'll arrive when it's right, at your own grace.

Each day, you fight the darkness within,
Moving forward, though it may be a tough win.
Never forget, you're doing your best,
And that alone sets your heart at rest.

No matter the stage, no matter the test,
You, dear traveler, are worthy, no less.
Onwards you tread, holding your flame,
In your journey, you'll always remain.