

A frown on your face is a clown in real life!!
Atleast that's how people have made me feel
Like my feelings are no big deal
They are futile and a joke
And I'll be dammed if I ever spoke
Coz you'll just raise your hand
And never try to understand

Part of the reason why I fake smile
Carrying it proud while
I'm enduring all this pain and hurt
Coz it's better this way I am now arlet
That when I'm down,you feel your above me

Then take your chance and tease
But I won't let you do as you please
I'll wear my ever smiling mask
So when they stand there and ask
Are you okay?
I'll say with a proud and loud yell
That I'm great and all is well

Because I have learned
That a frown on my face is a clown in my life
And I refuse to be turned
Into a laughing stock
So I'll smile won't leave a trace of sadness at all
And though it all sounds like a strife
I won't let me fall,atleast now I have control

Coz a smile on your face
Helps you win the race!.