

It's not for you to be lied to
and its not for me to lie to you.
As you see I'm doing my damess
to stay out of it being more mature
in making decisions that's been too
late too long.
You don't know how I want to react
a some situations, but killing a question
with a 40 mil really isn't answer is it.
If things wasn't right where did they
go so wrong.
I try daily not to think of certain things
but thoughts they kinda have a mind of
their own they don't stay where you put'um
A situation have me over a barrel my inners
are showing out and you make it hader.
Sometime a wish just ain't good enough
seeing it might not ever come true.
These patience most people talk about take a lot longer than them without will ever know.
The longer I sit silently in patience supposedly growing the more you shrink away. Christians ain't supposed to want love
their heart, soul, spirit and mind is supposed to be fully on the Lord.
Its said if a Christian is falling in love that satan made you do it.
What everybody is forgetting is Christians are humans too.
Not that noone should ever called a saints
but then again not everybody know you.
It's not easy learning how to wait for anything and easy things ware out so fast.
Patience is a lesson that few people will ever learn but like I said......

"they don't know you.