

Love Aesthetically
Love Once In Life & be For Her Alone
It's Beautiful to Keep Loving Her
Forever and Ever

The Changing Life
Don't Change Our Love

You're Like Never Fading Moon
In My Eyes

Even While Drinking Water
You Are In My Mind
And Says To Me
I'm Your Thirst

When Your Foot Taking Rest
You Needs My Hug
To Relieve The Aches

I Also Touched
The Flower's Petals Like
Your Fingers To Joint
In My Fingers
To Say, I'm With You

I Worship Your Presence
Everyday To Tell You
I'm Your Happiness
And Strength To Your Tomorrow

The Moment You Think Me
I Appear To You
To Make You Feel
And To Give You
A Kiss On Your Forehead

I'm In You, Forever
For You, For My Life
To Give You
The Eternal Love
Of Mine Be Yours

© Gautam K Vasu #EasternMansoon