

My tiger, My Emi
I lay there,
no worry of being left out.
I'm HER bear,
there's no doubt.
She carried me,
till my fur turned grey.
We shared tea,
all forever through the day.
She took me to school,
and on family trips.
I was covered in drool,
and full of rips.
But the day came,
she finally grew.
She is a little lame,
but her little spirit is still true.
I no longer get carried,
nor dragged around.
Shes grown out of her little self,
but she's still around.
She's out of school,
and trips aren't a thing now.
She still goes on tea dates,
but there's that unspoken rule.
Im old and worn now,
but still full of love.
She's my person always.
There'll be one day,
shell create a little her,
and I'll be able to give to little Emi,
the childhood I gave to MY Emi.