

Because I said No
Why do people do bad things? She just walked in my house like she owned it. She dropped her robe and stood there naked. I was flummoxed? She says I want to be with you. I look at her , while looking into the room where my child was playing. I got really close to her and whispered in her ear and said GET THE FUCK OUT! As she grabs her robe she says you will be sorry. As time goes by she now knows not to play like this. She always stated she never had a Birthday party. Tonight we are. Other's heard that Donna was going to be given a Birthday Party. We were at the bar. Everyone drank except for me. I was to busy trying to make sure shit went right. Cell phone rings. Hello? Hey come get us at he motel. I show up. We head to my house. Loud music is playing. I'm thinking there's no way that could be coming from my house? As we get closer the music gets louder. I see people end up front yard walk up to my house and my house is full of people. I ask how did you get in? Your mother let us in. I look around the house and there's nothing I can do because what is done is already done. I look for the kitchen and see an older gentleman that we knew making mixed drinks. He asked me, would you like a mix drink? they say sure. he says I have to go to my house because he ran out of alcohol I will be right back. I sit on the couch next to my mother and my sister looking around to see who is all here. I finally start to feel comfortable. Here he comes walking through my front door with a drink already made in his hand. I'm not worried about it because these are my friends. He hands me the drink. I say Thank You! He says enjoy. I take a drink. I use my time to wet my lips because of a weird tasting taste that I never tasted before. I start to feel strange. I look to my right and I say I have to use the bathroom something don't feel right. Now from here I don't remember much. I remember walking into the bathroom, flushing the toilet. I remember hollering out for my mother. I remember being thrown in a cold shower. I remember laying on the bed while she was trying to change my clothes. I remember looking to the right and everybody watching but everyone looks so strange. I remember the man that was serving me my dream started doing things to me that I had no control over. Tears running down my eyes. I can't believe what is happening to me right now. I look up. I say God I'm not sure what is happening to me right now but please help me get through this. I remember being locked in a room which I thought was only one day. Turns out it was one week. I'm confused and not sure why somebody would want to do this to me. How can my mother just leave me in this room? How come no one cares. My body is going in compulsions, I'm hallucinating, I can't speak and at times my body was paralyzed. I remember this man who serve me the drinks carry me like I was a child. Puts me in this Toyota pickup truck. Bench seats with a stick shift. Passenger door opens up. She jumps in the car. I look at her, tears began to slow down my cheek Donna? I thank you myself. at this time I could not speak nor move only my eyes. He tells her well here's your chance. this is what you wanted. Donna replies with you gave her too much. I feel my heartbeat beating faster. I feel angry I have no availability to kick her ass. I'm stuck, I can't move and these two have the nerve to do this to me all because I said no I'm not interested. It's real. I seen the devil. I've seen the fire. I was being mistreated in ways that if you know should be treated just because she said no I'm not interested. No one done anything to help me. My mother fell for his spell and she left me alone with him. You really see yw light. It was peaceful. It so peaceful you wanted to reach out for it and leave the hell that you were in. But, my boys were my strength. I could not leave them in this world with my family. I had to fight for my life. Finally, the school calls my dad and they would like to know what my son had missed a week of School? My dad and brother come over. Mary they say where is she? Mary opens the door and there lays my lifeless body. Rushed to the hospital. My mind all fucked up. Doctor says there's nothing we can do. Take her home and let her go in peace. The devil was everywhere. I felt alone. Why did I keep seeing these green eyes? Where are my boys? I was scared.I had to keep fighting for my boys. Don't turn off the lights. He's here. My heart rate is now getting slower. I lay there feeling myself dying. Doctor says it's time to say goodbye. I don't understand?!I didn't reach for the light. I chose to fight in hell to live for my boys. I see two little boys run up to me. Big hugs and kisses is what they gave me. The family looks at me , they say look she's smiling. Two weeks later I come out of it. I look in this mirror. I think Wtf I'm I doing her!? I would never come here. My dad and his wife were like OMG! YOU'RE UP? ARE YOU OKAY? Where are my boys, I ask. I feel angry! I remember something's that happened and other things I can't. WHERE IS SHE I YELL? I WANT REVENGE! HOW DARE THEY DO THIS TO ME! I still feel drugged. Like I'm floating. I feel still feel scared as I walk my son to school. People are looking at me strange. Saying I thought you were dead? Saying OMG are you okay? We heard what happened. I look at everyone strange now. I TRUST NOONE! I look strangely at all them. Where tf where you all when I was going through this? NOONE has an answer. I ask again where's Donna!? NOONE tells me shit. They drugged me with a prescription drug, ice ( pure meth) and an hallucination drug. They got me. Fuck they got me. look at me now. I'm still standing. Oh, your still hiding. His funeral NOONE attends. Fuck that! YOU DIDN'T BREAK ME! People tell me bits and pieces of what happened, some I don't remember. I get more angry because why won't NOONE tell me where Donna is? Are they protecting her or me, because they know what I would do to her. Why do people do bad things? I don't understand how someone can hurt another, especially when I made sure you were always okay. How can this be? Sacred of the dark, nightmare are my life, I'm in the hunt, I trust NOONE and my mom left me to the monsters. As time goes by I learn to forgive. I pray, the dark is my friend and those nightmares now know I'm not scared. How can people be so mean? It turns out , you couldn't have me, so you drugged and raped me. You couldn't beat me on the natural, so you decided to weakend me. You thought I was broken. You thought I would not remember. You thought I was gonna my to be that next broken person when depends on you. Donna you know tf I am. Hide Bitch! I always asked myself what would I do coming across you!? Well, you should thank God that I a better person. Sounds good, I guess we will see. Why are people so mean, well it's because he was a dope fein trying to control me , only to know that I'm stronger then he thought. She thought she I was one of them , turns out I wasn't. I was a strong female raising my two boys on my own. Making shit happened. They saw I was alone. I had no family. My mom was a dope fein and had no problem putting me in a situation.Just throw her some dope. My dad was a bitch hurtingme as a child and chooses his females over me. They knew I was alone. I had NOONE. They thought I was dead. Guess again. Iam to this day a strong female who broke you. I'm still here. I help others and you didn't break me. I found someone who knows me, who knows my life and a protector. I'm not alone. I taught my boys to respect the ladies, no means no and to walk away if you feel angry. I ly you know you! He's dead, Donna is hiding and everybody at the party ran off. It's a subject that NOONE talks about now. It's also a subject that when a motherfucker sees me they get uncomfortable. Wonder why that is? why would they act strange around me when they say they don't know what happened. NOONE stopped it. NOONE helped me and everybody was quick to take my shit. I TRUST NOONE! You know?? I you never understand why somebody would want to hurt me the way they did. All I can't think is that they must have had a rough life, or maybe some things that they did to me had happened to them. It it's so hard to forgive, and let go the anger and the revenge that I had to want to hurt them. I learned that I must learn these things in order to move on in my life so that they cannot control my thoughts and behavior. Why are people so mean. It can be all sorts of things on why they do what they do. I have learned to look at life differently, I have learned to look at people differently but most importantly I have learned to look at myself in a way to where I must always be protected and protect my family. They say sometimes things happen in our life for a reason. I'm not totally agreeing with that. But , I do you know because of the bad thing that happened in my life I now help others who've been through similar things to let them know that it does get better. I always thought that no meant no. Now it means if you say no then you got something coming. Is beauty a curse? Why must I feel I must be covered all the time? Why am I insured of my body? I know now. It was because I was scared! They hurt me all because I said no? Because I wasn't that one? Look ving in he hood of creeps and dope feins got you fucked up. Fuck you! I'm back to working out! I'm more beautiful than ever! Stronger than ever! I am me! SOY COMO SOY ! Now I'm going to ask you, why are people so mean? Why would they hurt you? Be- aware! You're not alone! You are you!
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