

The Crimson Sun
His soul, drenched in crimson fire
A passion burning bright within
The sky painted with a blaze of colors
As he looked up at the heavens high
Feeling the sun's warmth upon his skin

A sense of peace enveloped him
In awe of the beauty that surrounded
Time seemed to stand still
And all worries melted away
Lost in a moment of pure serenity

The crimson sun whispered secrets
In a language known to his heart alone
Messages of love and hope it spoke
Promises of a brighter tomorrow
Guiding him towards enlightenment's path

He closed his eyes, breathed deeply
Earth's scent mingling with sea's salt
A symphony of nature's sounds
Harmonizing around him
Waves crashing, seagulls crying
Leaves rustling in the gentle breeze

His soul alive, vibrant, and free
Embracing the universe's energy
The crimson sun, a guiding light
Leading him to his destiny
A reminder that even in dark times
Hope's glimmer shines through

He released his fears and doubts
Embracing the unknown with open arms
Trusting in the journey ahead
Knowing the crimson sun's constant presence
Guiding him through the darkness

As the sun dipped below the horizon
Long shadows cast upon the sand
Gratitude filled his heart
For the surrounding beauty
For the love within his being
For the crimson sun, drenching his soul to sing.

© Words Of Anthrax