

He was sitting under the shadow of the moonlight
Trying to take in how everything changed in front of his sight
As everything looked so simple and clean
The first time on his inside the grass felt green
But what did he knew this was nothing but an illusion
As fake emotions had blindfolded his vision
He felt there is nothing more everything has come to an end
But still he was seeing hope in the eyse of his friends
They tried to pull him back from is low
Told him this is not the end of the show
Giving up right now will be wrong to do
This is situation you need to fight and go through
All he did was given up on himself
Thinking there can be nothing done to help
His friends always said have faith time will heal everything
Hoping for it he stopped predicting
He felt why to leave hope so soon
The Sun will rise the next day even if there is no moon
So he lifted his head again thinking nothing is over yet
Believing in himself again and putting everything on bet
Getting himself ready to reach the limits higher than the sky
With a smile telling everyone who has left him a good bye
Believing that nothing is over until you leave yourself
Making a permanent companion no one but himself
© virajravianchan