

I don't care
I don't care

I don't care, I don't care about anyone else but me
I don't don't care, I don't care about anyone else but me
Don't want to see nobody
can't sleep
Can't eat
Can't think
Can't breathe
Get the fuck away from me
You call this insanity but your the ones that drive me fucking crazy
Smoking into the hazy
Don't care about anyone else but me
I don't care, I don't care about anyone else but me
I don't care, I don't care about anyone else but me
All I need is cigarettes and a bag of weed and my baby right next to me other than that don't need anything, get the fuck away from me
I don't care about you (3x)
Fuck you
Get the fuck out (2x)
Of my mind
Get the fuck out
Of my life
It's you that I fucking dispies and I will no longer hide under your disguise
You make me want to fucking shoot myself
Get your fucking medicine and get out I don't need your fucking help
Your the reason I wanna fucking kill myself
End (4x)
End this life
I wanna wake up into nothingness
Smoking into the hazy
Don't care about anyone else but me
I don't care, I don't care about anyone else but me
I don't care, I don't care about anyone else but me
It's none of your fucking god damn business if I wanna kill myself last time I've checked I own this life and my eyes is set on the prize, I will no longer live your life, blissfully living in peace inside my own rotten mind