

Who Am I?
I'm that one person who loves
I'm that one person who cares
I'm that one person who hopes
I'm that one person who fights for others

I'm that one person who cries
I'm that one person who's shy
I'm that one person who hides her emotions
I'm that one person who hides her battles through a smile.

I'm that one person who's always happy
But deep down inside, I'm unhappy
I'm that one person who is depressed
I'm that one person who's always gonna fight back and beat depression.

I'm that one person who's never gonna give up
I'm that one person who loves God.
I'm a God-fearing girl.
And I'm that one girl that believes that nothing beats Prayer.

I'm that one person who's always going to be humble.
And I'm that one person that is always going to be forever gratefully, I think to God.


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