

The music in escapism
With earbuds in, I drown out the world's piercing screams with music
Others don't understand - but to me - the bells of meaning are lucid
They just see a girl with headphones — edgy and self-absorbed

But for me - this is a safe place to escape
When I want to feel reformed
A sanctuary, a soundscape
All for me to explore
Why would anyone..
Ever want..
To walk out that door?

Through chords and lyrics
I clearly feel their emotions
The warmth from the voices feels
Like getting drowned - suffocated even - in an ocean
Sadness, anger, joy
All perfectly expressed
All emotions by the writer
They felt needed to be addressed

Language can't provide much of a barrier for all of these feelings
After all — all you need is a voice
To convey even a little meaning
I'm in love with their abilities to make someone feel warm—
Or even chilled to the bone

No matter what
My earbuds—
Continue to stay in
I don't want to hear—
A single thought
But I know to many—
It's seen as a sin

Without all this music - I would simply lose my mind
After all, how couldn't I?
If I lost something so - divine?

#music #escapism
© Oku