

Uniquely You [DN]

In the boundless canvas of the universe, you shine,
Not for the accolades, nor the applause of time.
I loved you not for what you have, or what you do,
But simply and profoundly, because you are you.

Your essence, your spirit, pure and true,
In the quiet whispers, in the subtle cues,
Not in the grandeur of things you amass,
But in the depth of your soul, clear as glass.

You, with your dreams, your hopes, your fears,
You, with your laughter and your tears,
I loved you for your strength and your softness too,
For the myriad shades of you, in every hue.

In your imperfections, I found my song,
In your vulnerabilities, a love so strong.
Not for anything else, this love I knew,
I loved you, dear heart, because you are you.

Never forget, as you journey through,
You are loved for being uniquely you.
In the mirror of love, see your reflection,
And know you are worthy, beyond perfection.

© tekkanshojiro