

Optionless opinion
I have no option
As tho I hold no opinion
I fear to speak my intention
Coz I avoid its maybe ill notion

I have a quiet emotion
With a raging motion
I hide from decision
Coz I fear the danger that may come from my action

It holds rash
It gives rush
It maybe ruthless
But not reckless

My war is for my defense
I don't pleasure in its offence
A man unguarded has no innocence
His enemies come with insurance

I walk alone
I engage alone
So that in my rampage I fear no drown
Safety is no certain when you have a man around you like a auro clone

The sharpness of the night o'lo
Pain is neither to rich or poor
Fame has no person of interest
Unto all with the grace shall it rest

© Onyemaechi Okeke