

Wrath Unleashed
I never wanted my heart to die,
Now I wish for it, a bitter sigh.
I long for my soul to shatter,
To wither away, a toxin scatter.

Let me become a venomous mist,
Haunting the world in a deadly twist.
No desire to heal, no return to norm,
Only ashes where once was warm.

I yearn to burn the world to dust,
A blaze ignited by shattered trust.
Hatred fuels my growing rage,
Trapped inside a darkened cage.

I want to destroy, to tear apart,
The world that kindled this fiery heart.
Each ember of pain, each spark of sorrow,
Feeding the inferno of a bleak tomorrow.

Let me rise as the storm of wrath,
Leaving desolation in my path.
For in this chaos, I find release,
A twisted vision of violent peace.

The skies will darken with my spite,
Eclipsing day, devouring night.
Thunder roars my anguished cry,
Lightning sears the weeping sky.

The ground will quake beneath my feet,
A symphony of hate's heartbeat.
Mountains crumble, oceans boil,
The earth itself shall writhe and toil.

No solace in healing, no peace to find,
Only the ruin of a tormented mind.
I curse the land that gave me birth,
And all who walk upon this earth.

Their laughter, once a joyful sound,
Now fuels my anger, unbound.
I dream of cities turned to flame,
Of forests lost, never the same.

Let rivers run with molten ire,
As I set the world on fire.
Fields of green shall burn to black,
No path remains, no turning back.

The stars above, they'll dim and fade,
Beneath the havoc I have made.
Planets reel in cosmic dread,
At the rage my spirit's fed.

And as I stand amidst the blaze,
Lost in an infernal haze,
I feel no sorrow, no regret,
Only the thrill of vengeance met.

For in this storm, I find my place,
An avatar of dark disgrace.
Unyielding, fierce, my fury grand,
A scourge unleashed upon the land.

So tremble, world, beneath my might,
Witness the terror of endless night.
For I shall reign in shadows deep,
Where angels fear and demons weep.

No love can save, no hope restore,
The heart that's dead, the soul that's sore.
Embrace the end, let chaos reign,
And find in ruin, a strange refrain.

Thus, I am the harbinger of doom,
A wraith arisen from the gloom.
In fire and ash, I'll stake my claim,
And etch the world with sorrow's name.
© _areesha