

Many little islands of thoughts!
All grouped together,
To empty out all their voices!
Which no one would hear.
The silence is obliterated,
By the waves of the sea,
That lies between them
That see's them all,every moment!
In their little lands of massive mistrust!
Firm and rock hard misunderstandings!
As waves hit's their corroding shores
To wake them up from their venomous thoughts!
But all the islands stands still
Unmoved with all their perspective egos!
Once they were all one!
But the seas of circumstances broke them apart !
It had no choice!
They stubbornly say," It's better we drown!
Rather than letting thoughts leave our crown!
The sea waves helplessly rolls back,
Tired of hitting them back again!
Thinking of the time,
When they would all fall asleep,
In the stillness that flows deep.
© Avik Datta Gupta