


Death is like an entrance
Where every souls shall pass through
Regardless of thy competence
Death is a naked truth

It strikes without alarming
Jeopardises victim's plans
The leg and the hand are falling
A strong man becomes helpless man

People often forgets
About the greatest destroyer of joy
And makes some falls in the pit of regrets
With their lives they toy(ed)

Do not forget the last dress
In white garment you'll be shrouded
Do not forget the day you'll be voiceless
Beneath a dark room you'll be locked

You might live long like Noah
A day shall come you'll be covered with soil
Both the Jin and Human(s)
You'll be taken away from life of toil

We beseech for a good ending
When our souls will travel out of the earth
Bestowed upon our souls mercy and blessing
Before and after we take our last breath


© Virtouso