

Your aura gently embraces
like scented incense;
Refreshing, capturing,
Effortlessly overwhelming,
Inducing a pledge of allegiance.
Things your lips declare,
How you say them; your tone,
All your confessions,
Where you said them,
My grasp of the moment.
In my heart and memories
Away from all the chaos,
All the subtle noise which deafens
The unassuming poison which sickens,
Ushering in the cold days,
Coarse on the senses
Gangrene upon the soul.
I stoke them like a fire,
When I question all
When I fail to see the essence,
When I despise the now
Even when living numbs me,
Like a cold piercing lake.
Uncensored feelings
Staving off thoughts
Feeding off emotions
Not pausing, not stopping
Passionately giving while taking
Unforced; persuasive, not coerced
But every bit intensely desired.

© LeozInkz