

Cannon Fodder
They matter too
Prove me wrong
Don’t scream and shout
It’s just a Britney song
I value your opinion
Can you offer me the same
Engaging the brain
The perfect exercise
And that’s all that I ask
Strange but true
It is what it is
One and a half kilogram
Of gray messy mush
Sat in your skull
Lest you forgot
Many millennia of evolution
Has got us to this
Do you not like the view
Have we forgotten
More than we’ve learnt
Being injudicious
Is now the new norm
It’s become a real thing
Put your head in the oven
The government said
Nanny’s false teeth
Sat in a glass
At the side of the bed
Trust in the science
Is the science the key
This much is true
I’m having to ask who’s paying the bills
Vested interests
Never good for your health
Marketing plans
Now playing their part
The new MI5
Propaganda by stealth
The collateral damage
Nobody cares
The cannon fodder we don’t count
MSM board members always on call
A revenue game
Paid to push the barefaced lies
With the scapegoats already lined up
For when the story unravels
Keeping the resume clean
Self-preservation and self-interests align
Political fine art
Manipulation permanently in play
Share pricing spikes and market valuations
Revered more than gold
A rewriting of the gospels
Now preaching fear in place of the truth
A collaboration of power
Between the magnificent three
Written and produced
By the mysterious thirteen
At Bohemian Grove
With an epilogue that reads
Like Shaggy tune
It wasn’t me

© the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
“your Ringmaster”

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
Image courtesy of: @Pinterest

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