

Ode to Tranquility
Ode to Tranquility


In my mind I am confused,

and I am certainly lost.

Overthinking a mind overused,

with common sense tossed.


I seek a calmer gentler space,

where my troubles can unwind.

But how to find that place?

for the solace in stillness, I want to find.


I’ve let my soul immerse in nature’s grace,

but I’ve yet to feel calm.

In her abundance and embrace,

I am seduced by her charms.


In the mountain tops I often seek,

the quietude it bestows.

The tranquil solace that I speak,

is broken by rivers that crash and flow.


Once I was at the beach,

low tide waters constantly splashed,

gentle waves beckoned me.

All I saw were sand dunes collapsed.


In the park, solitude was near.

Under an old ancient oak,

it calmed me and dispelled my fears.

My life’s journey it spoke.


The sinuous lines on its bark,

showed me struggles like mine.

Stillness standing so tall in the park,

made my soul shine.


At night I became entranced.

Beneath the starry skies,

under that ancient oak, dreams danced.

In serenity my spirit flies.



This is an elemental ode, a poem that glorifies everyday things. Chilean poet *Pablo Neruda* is associated with this genre and is a master at venerating the most common things, the sock, salt, and/or tomato. The poem structure is at the discretion of the poet.


This poem has rhyme scheme abab in quatrains.

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