

I see the reflection of my happiness,
In your eyes,
Picture perfect,
Like a bouquet of posies,
Like a sky full of sunshine,
You're not just a woman but an epitome of beauty,
beacon of Strength,
power and resilience.
To be a woman they say is not easy, but I see you wear the crown effortlessly and it's so fit you.
In a world where you can be anything, you choose to stay true to your gendèr. You are a proof that regardless of what the world throws at you, you pick up those pieces and build great walls with it.

The energy you exude is second to none little wonder you find a way around all the battles life throws at you.

You are not just a woman but in you is another dimension called Motherhood, In you is a world called Womb, made to accommodate another human for 9 months No one can explain this kind of power.
Imagine a world without women.

You Woman make the world colorful.

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