

LGBTQ 🌈 Happy pride month 🌈💓😋🍑
Thousands of men and women are still hidden behind doors or still in the closet.
Scared to say "Mom,I'm gay " or "Dad,I'm a lesbian or bisexual", Ashamed of themselves for what they are.Be ashamed no more little ones,We should not be ashamed or afraid of who we are.

We are human beings too,
We also deserved to be loved and cherish
People should realized that the end of the day it's night and we will not changed who we are.
We've already decided to be:
L- Lesbian
G- Gay
B- Bisexual
T- Transgender
Q- Question

There's Nothing wrong being apart of the LGBTQ team.
We do deserved to be respected, happy and be treated equally like everyone else, There's no shamed. Hold your head up high,smile and ignored the haters,Be proud of who you are.
You don't need no ones permission to be Gay, lesbian or bisexual and because your transgender it doesn't mean you don't deserved to be loved and respected,Love you,Be you.
*Remember there's nothing wrong with not knowing if your bisexual, lesbian,gay or straight because not everyone knows what they really are.
© Annastacia smith