


Strawberry dipped in cream
Sipping cognac through breeze ov Autumn
Eye's fixed in sudden gaze
A smile displays upon her face
Tones ov ambient - with emotions through my soul thus sent
A sudden shiver ov extacy
As lips like magnets attract - tenderly
Entwined compassion - emerging two as one
A simple kiss - is how it all begun
Hoping after all - we'd not be left too only reminisce
Yet find each other - upon each given days
As like yesterday - over again in love we fall
These years our youth thus chased
As age our looks have thus replaced
Yet still cherish we a love embraced
In minds these wishing stars we grasped
Whilst meloncholic moments our hearts once scarred
Upon this given day yet still
Be we example unto youth in love
Commitent be our witness - forever and until.
Eye's fixed in sudden gaze
A smile displays upon her face
Entwined compassion - emerging two as one
A simple kiss - is how it all begun
These years our youth thus chased
As age our looks have thus replaced
Yet still cherish we a love embraced
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