

I have seen the artist's hand in the beauty of warm clear summer sun rise.
Working with his pallette of pinks and blues and purples as he paints the morning skies.

I have seen the artist's Craftmanship in autumn's  painted leaves.
And I can feel the artist touch upon me  in the summer's gentle breeze.

I see the artist's skill in all the many colors of a wood duck drake.
Like he'd been painted just that morning and is still drying as he floats upon the lake.

I see the creativity of the artist in a new born fawn as on wobbly legs it tries to stand.
And I see the artist's love of color as I gaze across a pice of wildflower coverd land.

I see the master painter when I look up and see the Sistine Chapel of a night time sky.
I can not find the words that would even begin to convey it's beauty. though I often try.

the artist shows his talent when  The sun lights up the snow covered mountain peaks.
And you know the artist has been at work when you see a flowing moutian creek.

Many think the artist is at his very best.
When he paints the sky in reds and oranges as the sun sets in the west.

The artist's work is all around you it's always on display. inspiring us mortal artist to create our art each day.

© terry colby