

The Luv Sexy Poet
Playing with your mind
And touching your body
I know that you feel it
There is so much more to explore
We can connect beyond
The mere physical
How deep can I take you
My wish
Is to pleasure your soul
Bring you to a climax
Without laying a finger
On you
Kindling your desire
Igniting your imagination
Freeing your inclinations
From afar
Unlocking the doors
To your pleasure dome
Doors kept shut
For far too long
Inhibitions released
Left to run wild and free
Clearing your senses
A tantric release
And relax into ecstasy
Feel my hands
Wherever you wish them to be
Picturing us in every position
Tell me what turns you on
You know
How you talk to yourself
My lips there on your neck
Just where you like
Kundalini one to seven
A heavenly release
Every chakra
Suddenly your naked
Is it all just a dream
Yet you shudder
Serotonin and dopamine
A chemical overload
As I make my way down
Your entire body mine
It feels so good
Do you want more
What’s next
Tell me your every fantasy
Your delectation
My reward
The Luv Sexy Poet
Rapture redefined

©the Luv Sexy Poet™🥂

Original words & thoughts penned of heart & imagination of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a ©the Luv Sexy Poet™🥂

Art courtesy of: @pinterest

© All Rights Reserved