

first love
I don't care
about being your first love
Dont you understand that?

I want to be your last love
There's no one else after me
Just us and its guaranteed
Stay together since we were 17
I want to be the one
I dont care about the other girls
You dated growing up

I dont care
About the people
Who want to see us break up

At the end of the day
I want it to be you and me

Don't break up with me
And tell me
"Well at least you were my first love"
Cause it doesn't mean a thing

I'm sorry I'm selfish
I cant help it

I dont want to plant the seeds
And see another girl recieve
The flowers that I grew
I'm sorry
I don't want anyone else to have you

Cause I only want to be with you
All of the good
The bad
And everything in between
Because if im not with you
Love doesn't mean a thing
But maybe that's how it works
Maybe it's supposed to hurt
Is that how first loves
Work right?

You break up
If it doesn't work, right?

At this point I dont know
But I'd really hate to let you go

But at least I meant something.....