

unconfessed love
oh, love.
a word falling mindlessly through my lips, yet i crave it like a smoker asking for a cigarette which he couldn't quit.To feel his warm caress or to see his eyes shine when they find me in between hundreds of lives.
Oh Henry,how would you understand, for have
you ever fallen for it? love might seem arduous but that is what keeps it growing. For I have fallen for that boy more than i should've and led myself on.
tell me, henry,how do you know when he is the one, for i've shunned memories for a never-ending love, however, they only live in my mind.
ah, i wish he could tell me where it went wrong, was it my brazen crass way of talking or me admitting my fascination for him. is it an attraction or an infatuation Henry?was I desperate and running out of time?was I so hopelessly hoping for his little bit of time? the questions keep flooding my mind and I feel like crying.
alas, maybe we weren't meant to be Henry and so, someday I hope I'll forget the stranger who felt like home but was distances away to be called my own.for i like his name with mine, could it be that I'm obsessed henry? Or maybe I'm just setting myself up for another scarred line.