

shine bright you star
I can’t picture a life without problems,
They inspire us to work hard and learn.
We will all suffer this process,
No matter how much we avoid it.
Avoidance is the key .
so the saying went but is avoidance the key
when the world feels
hell bent and life is but lent
There is an explanation for all of this you ask yourself over and over in your tick tock monkey mind
like an invisable clock ticking away
or like a ticking time bomb
directing our way problem overload sent them on there way
whispering words
that are shallow and unkind
do you here it every were you look go and see
just chill out for a bit
even if it's just a tiny moment
just to take a deep deep breathe in and let the PTSD leave your soul . let the anxiety
and stress go
let that monkey mind full of
made up problems
mis conceptions distractions leave
some find it easy
others well they struggle
because there hearts are big pure like golden light
they was born to stand up tall
through every mist that over shadowed the trees
Sit down relax and admire yourself .
see how far you have got
dont search for the path
as it is already written
for you
every word
every chapter
all of you
take a bow
the thing is as simple as this
no body is ever going to save you if you dont save yourself
yes we have all been blagged
to our core
but let's not stare at it
let's move away from it
sit with it
be calm with it
breath into it heal with the thunder the storms in fact
dont let them in to dissolve you
do it
do it
do it
do YOU ....
because avoidance will never be the key
than looking
straight into the eye
of every adversity
just till you win .
if you say you will win
then you will ....
it's called determination
to thrive ...
living your preciouse life alive
so do it
do it do it
for YOU.
a problem shared is a problem halved .....
shine bright you STAR .
no matter where you are..

© amanda ajobrien