

Blind spot
Let's talk about it
This thing without faults
Let's talk about how you seem to hate my voice
But claim to enjoy my songs
Let's talk about
How you never listen to my words
But people think I'm the one
Behind countless words
You never valued my presence
My existence was choking you,
You refused to accept me
But you never let me go
You claim to love me
But hate is all I see in your eyes.
You promised to protect me
With the same hands you used to slay my dignity
And the flame of the same candles you lit for us
We're the ones that burned down our castle of love
You could never see, how much I suffered
You could never understand, how much it hurt
You never saw, the pain in my eyes
Or respected, the scars that arised
But one day —not too faraway
You'll remember me
You'll yearn to hear my voice.
You'll crave for my presence
And lust after those fake smiles I wore for you
One day you'll realise I wasn't worthless
But it'll be too late
Because by then
I would have realised my worth

© Oyindasola