

tiny tired, big weird
blooming new ,one from crew.
smiley liar tearful cheater no one better
in rainbow of life only you can make
yourself better.
no one knows every bit of yours
something hidden somewhere in cores
sit with peace ,take long breath and explore
have you done ? or everything is
written in destination.
they said myth , some said it's all with
from your birth as birth right, no one have
right to manipulate with the Nature's sting.
we choose some co-walker with us to walk
along the path which is unknown .
some stayed per a day, some stayed for two
days, some for months, some for years
some with absence only yours.
is there any experience letter ? where you
can prove you suffered better
tired of other.
moments kinda droplets which bursts with
bit pressure ,
no matter what is it air or the respective
water from where it born ,
no aploclypse needed for boon and disaster
if it mean to happen definitely
happen ever after .

© lisa