

Terms Of Service
Terms Of Service

In the digital age we tread,
Where terms of service lie widespread,
Before we click, we must take heed,
To understand each single deed.
Beneath the veil of fine print's fray,
Lies the rules we must obey,
For every app, for every site,
They set the boundaries, day and night.
They guard our data, oh so dear,
And often make it quite unclear,
What they'll collect, what they'll disclose,
Through endless lines, our privacy goes.
In hidden corners, tucked away,
We find the clauses they convey,
The user rights, the licensing fee,
The obligations that bind us free.
They promise access far and wide,
But can yank it all with just one slide,
If we defy their rules and play,
They have the power to lock away.
We scroll, we skim, but rarely see,
The terms that bind us, you and me,
For we just want to use the app,
Without the hassle, without the trap.
So we click 'I agree' in haste,
Without a thought, without a taste,
Unaware of the rights we waive,
Or the consequences we may crave.
In this digital landscape vast,
We traverse the terms so fast,
But let us pause, let us reflect,
On what agreements we select.
For in this realm of boundless choice,
Let's raise our voice, let's have a voice,
To shape the terms, to steer the tide,
And let our rights and freedoms ride.
So next time a terms of service unfolds,
Take a moment to be bold,
Read the fine print line by line,
And let your choices intertwine.
Magod Scroef
© Oyama Sibidla ™