

Change- The only permanent thing
Everything and anything in life
Which can be guaranteed is change
Someone's falling in love
Later they'll fall out of it
The only thing constant is change
There I change in every second
Someone's taking their first breath
After a long time
Eventually they'll take they're last one
Change breaks hearts and kills good people
Why does change have to be there?
Everything eventually passes
But can't something not pass?
Can't a moment last forever?
Can't two hands hold each other forever?
Can't eyes keep on staring into each other forever?
Why do they have to break the contact?
Why look away?
Why lose the warmth of hands?
Why let the moment pass?
Why can't you enjoy something forever?
For all future time
Will we get bored of forever?
Is that why there is change?
Maybe God had 2 options
Give his children the option of
Being in one perpentual state for all time
Eventually getting so tired of it that you hate it
Something you loved, you hate now
Only because you held on to it longer than you were supposed to
Maybe His other option wasn't exactly change
But was transposition
Maybe to actual keep on loving the thing you love you must let go
And the as the reward of that letting go
You got something better.
~Me and the Moon
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