

Painting in the sky
Brush strokes of colors,
Vivid hues on canvas vast,
Painting the sky's soul.

Golden sunsets blaze,
Crimson kisses the twilight,
Stirring hearts to awe.

Azure blues unfold,
A canvas of boundless dreams,
Where birds soar and sing.

Celestial dance,
Starry brushstrokes ignite night,
Constellations gleam.

Whispers of moonlight,
Painted with silver whispers,
Guiding lost souls home.

Nature's masterpiece,
Unveiling its grandeur high,
A portrait divine.

With each stroke of light,
The sky's canvas comes alive,
An artist's delight.

In this great expanse,
Boundaries dissolve in awe,
Infinity's touch.

Let us be like skies,
Painting life with vibrant hues,
Creating our own.