


It all began from my simple hello
And we were bound as quick as time
goes by the day and night.
Cannot fathom how much we felt
Tho I am aware, I am scared.
I let myself be coated by your sweetness and pampered.

Till my subconscious won the fight.
I crumbled and flight from thee
How I decay with my thoughts everyday I hoped we were still okay.
I wanted to go back from how we were; free, anxious and wild from the world, as we built solace.

How I loved you and our short time.
Now things have kept me awake;
Realized that it was my mistake.
Ah how foolish, to be in this mess
I'm torn between logic and emotion,
Can you really be my salvation?
How I just wanted to be in peace
and be happy to the end.

© jyannu