

After sitting on a patient rock
As my dock ends reach out
to heaven still, and it was
to fill the lake with a look
of patience all around. And
where I sit upon a rock
that was close by the dock
that was sitting on the
shore. This was to get
rid of my woe's and by
sitting here very patiently
to hear what was near
because it was clear the sheer
moments of enjoy passage
of it can go by as I have
nothing more to say
but construed a sunder
as this.
After a long while of sitting
on my patient rock that sat
close to the dock. And listening
to the sounds that I have
found rather peaceful to even
imaculate to any other than
being a joyous thing; as if
the childern where to play
and kept the summer day
abay but where it was for
me to see as I look around
one last time for the day
and where I'll leave my patient
rock so it can stay. And so
I did just that and take my leave
from the patient rock
and go back inside a place
of stay for it was getting
late in the mid summer day.
For I to had a place of
stay to keep my human rest
in a way that I only can keep
it, and where only I'll never
let it go for tho it has come
to this where I'll leave my
rock for that winters rest
and where the fall comes to
let my patient rock be for
it was patient as -- me.

© The realist