

She was broken
She was shattered
She was flabbergasted
Bcoz all she needed his morality
When she was in much need

Due to the almost similar reasons
She have forgiven him multiple times
Now she ask herself
How far she could sail along with him
N her inner voice said
It's the farthest u have sailed

She left him stranded
Alone and isolated
She was so much traumatized
She didn't even bother
What could happen to him
But being human nature
The boy didn't complaint
Said to himself a demotivating line
"If you love her then let her go"

The boy was suffering
From anxiety disorder
But things occurred so much swiftly
That, she forgot this
And decided to move on

She gave him chance
To put his trial
But out of fear and trauma
He couldn't utter a word
She cut the phone
And he wept like anything
Couldn't believe this
She would make his heart shrink

He was also ashamed
To which he know
What have he done
Whole night , he assembled a msg
To make this relationship work

Hoping wd a good deed
He texted her softly
But she went rigid and die hard
'I have given u chance yesterday
But u went mute ,like a useless card"
She said" I HV given u
A hell lots of chance
Now not a single on
Just go from my life Hassan"

It felt like a juggernaut
The boy was shattered
He knew he deserves this
But don't want to loose her away
The message he wanted to send
Was extremely long
But he has put his heart
In that text message
To her rigidness , she didn't read
Misunderstanding wins
Anxiety disorder wins

Neither she was wrong , nor was he
It's all just situation
Which didn't favour any of them
She lost him because of her rigidness
He lost her because of his anxiety

I wish someone could help
And make them unite again
Love is all about forgiveness
It's not about how you listen
It's about how u understand
It's not about what you see
It's about what u feel
It's not about to let go
It's about how you hold on