

Found in a Backward Land
Dialated eyes, trials with errors and feigned looks of surprise; this describes me and my enemy as we prepare for the next battleground. Level headed and careful as to what it is I'm declaring now, unknown persons and the man made rabbit holes is all I am portraying, enough to see the situation's complexities are not my own. How this court drama ends I don't know, but the judge had let it go on maybe because he wants my story told, with a reminder to be careful how I word anything I submit. Sound advice, and it reflects in the presentation I submitted. It could be a laid trap for me to step in. I don't know much more than I am the only person with the familial knowledge of this families business. It comes down to me or escheat - technicalities may decide the future of this estate. Here's what the dokket holds: all of the research that shows something is not quite trajecting how these things normally go. And for all of the character bashing my own has went through, they have nothing to show. Four years on, their argument is taxes past due. They like the word preponderance, unless it favors the truth. Weight and quantity, a paper trail reasonable people would see the way I do. But, you never know in California these days. Survival this long means there are still plenty of good people but they are unidentifiable - that's a good portrayal of how they blend to hide from a cancel culture in the driver's seat, steering is very erratic and directionally heading towards crazy. Heading towards flames that will highlight their ending. But it's a two party failure, the system has been shown to be a little weak and in need of a revamping. It is underway, for now in thought only, it takes time to learn, prepare, and counter-infiltrate. Remember one thing, it took 40 years of deep stating to get the US here, at this point it should be further along I'd think. We still stand, the flag still waives, it just isn't the flag's favorite people raising it. They won't for long, even the wealthy do not like what's going on. For whatever that is still worth - we'll see when the bank accounts shed some girth... until then, I have the same ole plan. Stand in protest, while sitting on my ass doing nothing productive for the treasonous bastards while keeping a gun by my right hand. In God we trust though we don't understand.
© Alien.S