

Echoes of the Unspoken
Words are power, in spoken or written form,
They can uplift, inspire, and transform,
They can start a revolution, or end a war,
They can build bridges, or open a door.

With words we can create, with words we can destroy,
We can express love, or spread hate with joy,
We can give hope to those who need it most,
Or we can break hearts, and leave them lost.

Words can comfort, heal, and mend,
They can help us cope, and help us transcend,
They can give us strength, and make us whole,
They can be a beacon, for every soul.

So let us choose our words with care,
And use them wisely, to spread love and share,
For in the power of words, lies our fate,
And with every word, we create.

© Ingenious Explorer