

I don't need much
To know that you love me
I can see it in your eyes
I can feel it when you hold me
I can hear it in your voice

Sure I'm a girl
With silly girl dreams
And silly girl fears
Though I wish you were my first
I am glad you are my last
For I get the best of all of you

I want to grow old with you
I want to take care of you
I want to give you
What no one else has
I want you to know that
I'm here and never there
I want you to feel secure
That our end will be our death.

I want people to know
Because I am in love with you
I don't want you to ever question
Your value in my eyes and in my heart
You have done so much for me
You're my center
Your my calm after my storm
You have opened my eyes
And have given me security
That I never knew exist.

You Broke down so many walls
Your patient with me
Even when I just want to
Kick and scream
With tears pouring down
My face
You hold me close
When I feel the world
Crumbling beneath me.

I am so enthralled
With every part of you
The good
The bad
The ugly
The way you Love me
Everyday and ever night.

I have been wandering
Through the world blind
Making all the wrong turns
That were right to you
So I could look into your eyes
Smile with your smile
And feel the warmth of your love
Go through me.
