

She toils through the day,
Without a word or a nay,
She earns her daily bread,
Not a tear does she shed... She puts in a alot and in return she don't get much,but she don't use that as a means for pitty or a crutch.She thinks too much and she don't sleep,,She says her secrets she will keep. She sits alone and reads alot,because her words are all she's got.She watchs sunrise and sunset she may forgive but she don't forget.If you have her love ,Consider it gold,She's not an easy catch So the story goes.Shes lost so much but wants for nothing,and when she's pissed off she ain't bluffing. ,She's got a Irish temper,firey bold and strong,and if you cross her wrongly you won't be staying long.She believes in God but not a Bible thumping sort. She does things on her own she's never had much moral support.Shes had her turn at love and one time she did jump the broom,She said if she never seen him again it would be too soon.Shes not the cheating kind,She don't take things for granted,She put up with the bull shit for too long now she can't stand it.She loves to write things down and carrys around her journal, she writes in bed in the shower and even on the urinal.People ask her all the time "What you wriiting a book?She never answers them with words ,She just gives the look.She raised both her boys she couldn't live without .
That's the one thing in her life that she did right.
without a doubt.
She thanks God for her blessings as she blows her candle out.
© Oceans......