

Escaping the Mask
In a world where fake love often gleams,
And fame's allure distracts our dreams,
I yearn for freedom, to break these seams,
To find the truth in life's flowing streams,
From the pressure to be someone I'm not,
I long to be free from this binding knot,
To live with authenticity, I've sought,
In a world where genuine souls are a rare lot,
I'll reflect on what my heart truly desires,
Amid the world's tumultuous and roaring fires,
In the quest for truth, my soul aspires,
To light a path where authenticity inspires,
I'll set boundaries, clear and strong,
To shield my soul from the world's throng,
Pursuing my passions at my own pace,
In the world's grand tapestry, I'll find my place,
In the hands of time, I'll let this story unfurl,
In the search for truth, my heart will twirl,
For in authenticity, we find the pearl,
A life of meaning in an ever-changing world.
© Pooja