

A pen and pencil engaged in a war of words

"Oh I am the boss in the stationery world
used by people from kids to adult"
said the pencil in a proud tone,
to the pen seated far alone

"I'm not just used for writing purpose
I might be kept in a pocket as well
to enhance any outfit worn by men
I might be used for urgent paperwork"
replied the pen to the pencil's words
not stepping back sooner enough

"Well, I'm also used in paintings made
may it be the rough outlines or some shade
My darkness varies and so do my shades
Unlike you, I'm not monotonous always"
said the pencil with a teasing smile
but it was eager to hear the pen's reply

"When it comes to art, I choose the artist
it's about the technique used in drawings
I'm used by people confident and committed
to not make errors throughout the process"
replied the pen in return to the comment
showing its refill, that can be of different inks

© Sri_D