

The Marks We Carry
There are marks we carry, hidden from view,
Traces of the past, a part of me and you,
Each one a story, a reminder of pain,
A symbol of the strength, we have yet to gain.

Some are raised, others are smooth,
Each a testament to what we've been through,
A roadmap of our lives, etched on our skin,
A reminder of the battles that we've fought within.

To some they may seem unsightly,
A scar to hide, a mark to pity,
But to those who know the weight they bear,
They are a symbol of the courage we share.

For every mark we carry tells a tale,
Of a heart that has fought and will prevail,
Of a spirit that endures and does not fail,
Of a soul that is strong and will not derail.

So let us not hide these marks we bear,
But embrace them as a sign of how we've dared,
To face the pain and rise above,
And let our beauty shine, through every scar and every love.

© Nox