


Ssshhh, don't make a sound,
Ssshhh, the devil is abound,
Ssshhh, stay under,
Ssshhh, stay your shudder,
Ssshhh let me look if we are under his sign,
Ssshhh he is observing us from that tree behind,
Ssshhh we are looking for a right time,
Ssshhh let's move a side ,
Ssshhh now devil is undermined,
Ssshhh now we are hunter ,devil is pray of mine😈
Ssshhh let's chase him from behind,
Ssshhh be a lion patience with pride,
Ssshhh now it's the time,
Ssshhh we are ahead from his mind,
finally we knock him down and peace and victory in my mind .

© Asrj