

The soul after death
When a person dies, the soul will leave the body and return to the One who gave it.
The soul will immediately praise the glory of the Most High God.

Now for the people who had no use for the ways of the Most High God and hated those who worshipped Him,
thier souls wander in torment, grief and sorrow forever.
They will go through the SEVEN STAGES OF TORMENT
1st: they will ignore the Law of God Most High
2nd: they will no longer make sincere repentance and obtain life
3rd: they will see the reward stored up for those who put thier faith in the covenants of God Most High and those who have accepted Jesus as LORD
4th: they will think about the torment stored up for them in the last days
5th: they will see angels guarding the homes of other souls in complete silence
6th: they will recognise that they must soon be tormented
7th: ( this is the worst of all) when they see the glory of God Most High, they are sick with remorse and shame. They will cringe in fear, because while they...