

Rain Fell on an Angel's Head
Heavens felt her sorrow,
and thus became also sad,
and so, the rain started to fall,
on an Angel's head.
Thunder roared,
as she soared,
thunder loud and deep,
heavens cry, heavens weep.
With the heavens,
the Angel cries,
over man's treason and lies,
she whispers a short prayer,
for the liar, for the betrayer.
Silently she prays and sings,
rain is falling on her wings.
"Why there's no love in here?"
She asks her every tear.
Tears, they roll down her face,
for the ignorance of human race,
of their disrespectful, harmful ways,
there's no sign of Sun and its rays.
Kindness, love and caring,
they are long gone, dead...
And so the rain...
... is falling on an Angel's head.

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