

I hate them,
I hate watching them,
Inthe streets holding hands,
Social media celebrating,
Posting each other,
With read more captions
But i really hate them

I can't say I'm jealous
But maybe a loner
Seeing them breaks,
My heart into pieces
And shatters my world
I wish i could be them
But i can't be like them
I just hate them

They always makes me,
Feel unwanted,
Maybe unworthy,
They have snatched,
Away my hapiness 🥺🥺
Each moment i see them
Everything blurs because
I just hate them

I'm just a wild flower
Nobody notices me
Maybe my scars are visible
That's why they don't see me
All they see is the pain
Hiding behind the scars
I'm just tired of them
I just hate them

I don't fit anywhere
But the more i see them,
The more it reminds me,
Of my position,in that lonely room
I'm getting tired of it
But don't pit me for my misfortunes
And don't question my boredom
But i just hate them