

Born Second

Family is a Family
But why do competition exist?
Should the treatment be fair ?

First Born must be an example
No room for Mistakes
No room for Weakness
Be firm, Hold your head high
Never let that crown of yours fall!

Youngest ? Protection? Attention?
Should always be on me.
No need to try hard,
Just walk, smile, talk a little.
What I want, They provide.

Born Second,
Always on the Second List
Black Sheep whom they address
First Born must learn proper etiquette
Youngest should be provided.

Try to ask me ?
Of course, the rule breaker!
I rule my own life.
What I want would never be provided,
Coz what I want, I'll always get.
No need to practice Etiquette.

Others looked at me with disgrace vivid in their eyes.
Perfection never suits me.
I am a ruler, whom everyone didn't expect.
I get less Attention, but I'm an Achiever.
Treat me right and respect will be given to you.

Life truth must be told.
And this is it.

© Belle Estores