

Snowflake tales 1

"Snowflake Tales":

Delicate whispers on the winter's breeze
Dance and twirl, with gentle ease
Snowflakes swirl, in wondrous spin
Each one unique, a tale within

In frozen crystals, stories unfold
Of far-off lands, and secrets told
A fleeting glance, a moment's grace
A snowflake's tale, in a winter's place

With intricate design, and lace-like might
They fall from the sky, in silent flight
Their paths unpredictable, their fate unsure
But in their beauty, a story to endure

In the snowflake's heart, a world is born
A tiny realm, where magic is sworn
A miniature marvel, of art and design
A snowflake's tale, forever divine

So let the snowflakes fall, and gently lay
Their stories whispered, in a winter's day
For in their fragile beauty, we find our own
A snowflake's tale, forever sewn.

© mightypen