

my millionth death
Suffering? Pain?
Death? You find dieing dreadful
Then you know nothing about shame .... you know nothing
In a land and time that isnt mine
I frollick through flckering lights of ridicule and hate
Word of blasphemy
Alchemical diabolically criminally cruel spews of acid filled spite
Towards a hero deemed a villian
Destined a life to be less worthed living
He checked his pockets to find a a thought less bone chilling but they wer all empty as that of the mutualated remains of his unfortunate heart!
Damn thee swine!
Your hate should not fuel mine!
Im innocent ! Damn you disgusted beast!
My love for life dwindles
Yet no love to use as kindle the fire in my heart has died its millionth death
© Christopher j. Jarman